

How to Form a Connecticut LLC Online

Form a Connecticut LLC

Starting your own business is not easy. While it may be exciting to be starting your enterprise, it comes with a fair amount of planning and preparation. For instance, you will need to create a business plan to ensure the financial viability of your idea. You will also need to sign a lease on office space or a retail front, which will need to be factored into your overhead. You may also require a team, which means making important hiring decisions. There is also the matter of how you will legally structure your business. If you are like many entrepreneurs, you may find that a Limited Liability Company (LLC) makes the most sense for your organization. If you find that this is the appropriate path for you, we can help you form a Connecticut LLC online with our easy-to-use web forms.

While Connecticut may seem like a small, unassuming enclave of New England, it is home to a number of businesses, both large and small alike. With its close proximity to major hubs of commerce like New York and Boston, Connecticut can be a logical home for commercial enterprises. If you are thinking about starting your LLC in the Constitution State, read on to learn how you can do it online.

Why Should You Form a Connecticut LLC?

A Limited Liability Company is a way in which you can legally structure your business. LLCs are very popular because of their relative ease of setup and maintenance, as well as the benefits that they allow. The primary draw to creating an LLC is that it grants its members (owners) the protection of “limited liability”. What this means is that if your business is sued or goes bankrupt, you cannot personally be found liable, which allows you to protect your assets.

Additionally, an LLC is granted “flow-through” status by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This designation means that profits earned by your business are not taxed until they pass through to the individual members of the LLC, who then pay income taxes on their salaries. As you can likely deduce, this is a considerable tax incentive for many business owners. 

Form a Connecticut LLC

How to Form Your LLC

To start your LLC, you will first need to select a name for your business that is not already registered in the state of Connecticut. Then, you will need to file a Certificate of Organization. This document, which you can complete on our website, will prompt you for some basic information about yourself and your business. You will also need to appoint a registered agent. The role of this individual is to receive all legal, tax, and government correspondence on behalf of your business.

At Corporation Center, we can help you prepare your Certificate of Organization in just minutes. Simply select “Connecticut” from our side navigation and you will be brought to an easy-to-read landing page. From there, you can choose the LLC option and begin filling in the information. Using our SSL-encrypted web portal, we will then route your documents to the correct state agency. If you have any questions about our services, contact us by phone or email today.