How Much Does Forming an LLC or Corporation Cost?
The fees are different from one state to another. If you have questions about one state or another, you can contact us at or (800) 580-4870.
The fees are different from one state to another. If you have questions about one state or another, you can contact us at or (800) 580-4870.
Are there extra fees once I’ve completed my order?
No. When you placed your order, that’s the entire price of your service. In some states and in some cases, we make it possible to renew your documentation through our site, often for many years in advance, for an additional fee.
How long is the incorporation process?
It varies from state to state. Some operate much more quickly than others. If you have questions about one state or another, you can contact us at or (800) 580-4870.
It varies from state to state. Some operate much more quickly than others. If you have questions about one state or another, you can contact us at or (800) 580-4870.
How long until my order is processed?
We process orders in the order they are received. That said, with some forms in some states, we offer a “Rush Processing” option. In that circumstance, those are placed at the top of our queue.
We process orders in the order they are received. That said, with some forms in some states, we offer a “Rush Processing” option. In that circumstance, those are placed at the top of our queue.
Do I need an “Operating Agreement?”
This agreement is commonly made between the members of an LLC, describing each member’s managerial rights, financial ones, duties, what the business does, and so forth. Several states require an Operating Agreement for an LLC and it is recommended that every LLC have one, even if they do not need to.
This agreement is commonly made between the members of an LLC, describing each member’s managerial rights, financial ones, duties, what the business does, and so forth. Several states require an Operating Agreement for an LLC and it is recommended that every LLC have one, even if they do not need to.
How would I open a bank account for my company?
With the proper documentation, opening a bank account for your business can be a simple process. If you’re doing so for a corporation and/or an LLC, it’s possible you’ll need a banking resolution, articles of organization or a certificate of formation, and a federal tax identification number.
With the proper documentation, opening a bank account for your business can be a simple process. If you’re doing so for a corporation and/or an LLC, it’s possible you’ll need a banking resolution, articles of organization or a certificate of formation, and a federal tax identification number.
I’m not a citizen of the United States. Can I still form a US company?
In some cases, you will be able to. There are many restrictions. If you have questions, you can contact us at or (800) 580-4870.
In some cases, you will be able to. There are many restrictions. If you have questions, you can contact us at or (800) 580-4870.
How can I ask a question that was not covered in this FAQ?
We’re always glad to help. You can contact us at or (800) 580-4870.
We’re always glad to help. You can contact us at or (800) 580-4870.