

Will Your Business Need a Corporation?


Whether or not to establish a corporation is among the most important choices a person who owns a company may face. Although there are several considerations to consider, this choice may have a substantial effect on your company. In this essay, we will cover the benefits and drawbacks of creating a company to assist you in determining whether or not incorporation is the best option for you. Suppose you are familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of forming a corporation.

In that case, you will be better equipped to decide whether or not it is beneficial for your company to undertake this step. Keep an eye out for our next piece, in which we will discuss the steps involved in establishing a company. Suppose any of these circumstances seem familiar to you. In that case, you should carefully consider forming a corporation so that your company may enjoy the many significant benefits and protections of having one. Here are a few examples of them:

You Need Limited Liability Protection

Many individuals have the misconception that the primary advantage of establishing a company is the reduction in the amount of money paid in taxes; however, this is just one of the many advantages of incorporation. The primary advantage of forming a corporation is its protection against personal legal action if your business is subjected to legal action (for example, if someone slips on a banana peel and sues you).

Everyone engaged in your sole proprietorship or partnership is personally accountable for the company’s debts if it is sued, which means they run the danger of losing everything they possess if the lawsuit is successful. If your company is incorporated, shareholders’ personal financial exposure is capped to the amount they have contributed to the company.

You Want To Raise Money from Investors

When your company has reached the point where it is prepared for expansion, you will ultimately want to seek financial backing from outside investors. And if you are going to do it, you need to make sure you do it correctly. Creating a company is one method for guaranteeing that all your actions are legal and ethical. A common misconception about corporations is that they are “evil,” or ruthless and selfish, putting the interests of their stockholders ahead of all other considerations.

But this is categorically not the case! People come up with the idea to start a corporation, and there are many different ways this idea might be executed such that the corporation serves more than just its owners. Your firm may benefit from forming a corporation because, if done correctly, it may help you acquire the capital necessary to build your company, secure your assets, attract brilliant workers and customers, and accomplish several other objectives.

Form a Corporation If You Plan to Hire Employees

Establishing legal status as a corporation or limited liability company (as with most enterprises) is essential if you want to hire people eventually. Although forming an LLC may be the best choice if you want to hire one worker, becoming an S-Corp may provide more leeway if you intend to recruit numerous workers or have investors who demand stock options.

An S-Corp can only have a certain number of shareholders and has other limitations on who may be a shareholder. This kind of setup may not be able to support the hundreds of workers needed if your firm is wildly successful and expands from its current size of six. Once again, your company’s long-term goals should inform how you structure it now and in the future.

You Do Contract Work for Other Businesses or Individuals

The other thing is to determine whether you are an independent contractor or an employee while doing contract work for other firms or people. You may expect payment from your employer, who will also handle withholding and other tax-related tasks as an employee. By forming a corporation, your assets are shielded from any lawsuits filed against your firm, and your company will get more favorable tax treatment than it would as a sole proprietorship, according to

However, if you are self-employed, you are responsible for reporting and paying taxes on your earnings. However, several tax deductions may be utilized to reduce a company’s overall tax liability. The most important is the elimination of double taxation on Social Security and Medicare contributions by having just the employer’s share withheld from paychecks and the employee’s share paid by the company.


Your Business Is Growing Quickly and Becoming More Complex

Your company is expanding rapidly and getting more complex: If you are already operating a profitable firm and believe this trend will continue, you may want to consider incorporating it to solicit financial backing from investors in the future. Before handing over his cash, a potential investor will want to ensure that your company is not a single proprietorship but a corporation actively doing business. In addition, if your firm employs people, incorporating a corporation may assist in shielding those workers from personal responsibility if they have an injury on the job.

The Corporation Center is well-known as a great place to learn about corporations and LLCs. They’ve been instrumental in helping thousands of business owners make the right choice regarding their businesses’ legal structure. “What happens if I file for an LLC or corporation?” you might wonder. “Is it that hard?” We’ll break down these tricky questions for you and more, so call us at (800) 580-4870 today!