

Find the Alaska Corporation Forms You Need

Make no mistake about it, geographically speaking, the United States is a massive country. From the coast of Maine, to the beaches of California, businesses of all shapes and sizes do their part to keep the engine of the American economy rolling. In truth, if you are thinking about trying your hand at entrepreneurship, you can probably find something appealing about the markets of all 50 states. For those particularly intrepid and bold business owners, heading north to Alaska may be a call that cannot be ignored. Whether your business interests are in the commercial fishing, oil, or outdoors industry, Alaska offers business-friendly tax rates and a picturesque backdrop for your enterprise. There are a number of business structure options available in the Frontier State, but if you are looking to accelerate the growth of your organization, you may want to look closely at the idea of filing Alaska corporation forms.

The main reason why growth-focused entrepreneurs would consider incorporating their business is relatively simple. When you have a corporation, you have the ability to issue stock to outside parties and investors. This gives others an opportunity to share in your success, while you gain quick access to capital in order to expand your business. Corporations do need to adhere to more strict regulations than, say, a sole proprietorship or limited liability company (LLC), so you will want to be well-versed on any potential trade-offs. Still, creating a corporation, which separates your business as its own legal entity, can offer valuable tax and financial incentives. 

The Benefits of Filing Alaska Corporation Forms Online

On top of the perk of being able to issue stock, there are other reasons to consider forming a corporation in Alaska. For example, certain corporate structures can enjoy limited liability protection from bankruptcy and lawsuits. This means that you can protect your personal assets from any costly legal judgments made against your business. You may also get to take advantage of “pass-through” status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Under this IRS designation, you can allow gains and losses to flow down to the incorporators before they face taxation from the federal government.

If the positives that come with a corporation are appealing to you, there is a process that you will need to follow. You will first want to choose a name for your corporation that is not already registered in the state of Alaska. You will then want to decide on a registered agent who will process all legal, tax, and government correspondence on behalf of your business. With those items settled, you can forge ahead with drafting your articles of incorporation. This document should provide some details about your incorporators, your business, and indicate how many shares you plan to issue. Once completed, this document should be submitted to the Alaska Secretary of State’s office.

alaska corporation forms

Learn More Today

If you want to start an Alaskan LLC, corporation, or partnership, we have convenient, fillable web forms that can allow you to do this online. To find out more about how we can help you and your business, spend a few minutes reading our Frequently Asked Questions page today.