

How to Complete CA Corporation Online Forms?

CA Corporation Online Forms

Managing your own business is no easy task. Even from the early days of just getting your enterprise off the ground, you can expect to be faced with a multitude of decisions on a daily basis. These choices can range from the relatively mundane–what type of stationery to buy, who will print your business cards–to the more involved, such as decisions on vendors you will work with and employees you will hire. There is also the matter of settling on a legal structure for your business. While for many, the ease of creation and benefits inherent to a limited liability company (LLC) is appealing, others have different, more evolved needs and may opt for a corporate structure. Should you find yourself in the latter camp, you might find it helpful to educate yourself on how to complete CA corporation online forms. By understanding what is needed to incorporate your business in California, you can greatly streamline the paperwork process.

Why California? Well, if you have made it this far into your research, you probably know this, but California is a major commercial hub at the global level. In fact, the Golden State has the largest economy in America, and if it were its own country, it would be the fifth biggest in the world. From the tech titans in Silicon Valley to the bright lights of Hollywood, there is plenty of money to be made in California for enterprising entrepreneurs. Read on to learn more about how you can incorporate your California business online.

Where to Start with CA Corporation Forms

If you have decided that it is time to form your own corporation, your first maneuver should be to select a name for your business. In California, it is a requirement that your corporate name does not match any others currently on record with the state. Your name can include words like “Corporation” or “Incorporated,” but this is not mandatory. To see if your desired name is available, you can browse the Secretary of State’s online business database.

With your name chosen, you can then move ahead with filing your Articles of Incorporation – General Stock (ARTS-GS). This document will prompt you for some basic information about your organization, including the name and address of your corporation, the number of shares you plan to issue, as well as some information about the incorporators and the registered agent. The registered agent is the individual charged with receiving all legal, tax, and government correspondence on behalf of your business.

Once your ARTS-GS is filed, you have satisfied the basic requirements for incorporating a business in California. At this point, you may wish to draft corporate bylaws, which can provide a helpful roadmap for managing your business. You can also hold your first board meeting and get the ball rolling.

CA Corporation Online Forms

File Your ARTS-GS Online

At Corporation Center, we can help you incorporate your business online. Simply select “California” from our side navigation, and you will be brought to a landing page containing the web forms you need. To learn more about our services and how we can help you, contact us by phone or email today.