

How Do I Set Up a Corporation Using Corporation Center?

How Do I Set Up a Corporation

As your business grows, so too can its needs. Maybe you need new office space to accommodate a larger staff? Perhaps you are thinking about setting up additional locations? Whatever your expansion goals may be, they will require a financial commitment. It is common for businesses to seek out new capital and investment, as it allows them to build their business quickly via a cash injection. One of the aptest business structures for raising investment is a corporation, as it allows you to issue stock. “How do I set up a corporation?”, you may be asking. Well, each state will have different specific requirements, but there is a general process to follow.

At Corporation Center, we understand that as a business owner the last thing you want to take on is additional paperwork. While each state, for its part, will provide you with the necessary forms to complete in order to establish a corporation, they can be complex and dense in legal jargon. We offer an online, simplified way for you to form a corporation, no matter what state you reside in. Read on to learn more about how you can get started.

Selecting a Name

It all starts with a name. Before you can open up a shop or prepare any marketing materials, you have to decide on what you will call your business. This is, of course, compulsory to do prior to filing your articles of incorporation. Most states will require that your corporation’s name is wholly unique and clearly distinguishable from any other registered corporation. While that is a legal requirement, it is also smart from a branding perspective. You should want to separate yourself from the competition, and selecting a one-of-kind name is a cornerstone of any effective marketing strategy.

Appointing a Registered Agent and Designing a Share Structure

A key step to complete in the early stages of forming a corporation is to select a registered agent. In this role, one individual–often in-house legal counsel–will be charged with receiving all legal and tax correspondence on behalf of your business. This can benefit your business as it allows you to partition off an important set of responsibilities from day-to-day management concerns.

You will also want to tailor a share structure that makes sense for your business. As an individual share represents an ownership stake in your company, you will want to make a thoughtful decision about how many you wish to issue. There are also different share classes that can come with their own rights and privileges. 

How Do I Set Up a Corporation

How Do I Set Up a Corporation? Use Our Forms

Filing articles of incorporation is a major step in your journey as a business owner. You will want to ensure the accuracy of the information you include and process your documents in a timely manner. At Corporation Center, we offer easy-to-fill web forms for articles of incorporation in all 50 states. By working with us, you can ensure that you are completing all of the required fields ahead of submitting your forms. We also employ an SSL-encrypted web portal, so your information will be transmitted securely. Contact one of our helpful customer service agents today to learn more.