

Corporate Applications: How to Fill Them Out

corporate applications

Starting a successful business is no minor accomplishment. While you may have an unbeatable idea for a service or product that is underserved in the market, transforming that idea into a viable enterprise takes a lot of long hours and hard work. In addition to refining your offerings, you also need to develop a sound business plan that accounts for overhead costs and projects potential revenues. Not to mention, you may also need to hire a team of employees, and any boss will tell you that that tends to be the most difficult facet of the job. As you embrace the chaotic but exciting planning stages of getting your business up and running, you may also want to think about how you will decide to legally structure your business. Some new entrepreneurs will choose to create a limited liability company (LLC), as it is an easy model to create and maintain. For some, though, it makes more sense to form an S- or C-corporation. Should you find yourself in this camp, you may also want to know that you can complete corporate applications online.

There are a variety of different ways in which you can choose to structure a business. The structure that you decide on should account for the needs and aims of your organization. The aforementioned LLC tends to be a popular choice because it offers solid tax and liability benefits for small- to medium-sized businesses. LLCs can, however, have some difficulty attracting outside investment because it is a bit of a headache to give them an ownership stake. With a corporation, though, you can issue shares to outside investors with relative ease, which can give your business the cash injection it needs to grow. Read on to learn more about how we can help you launch your corporation online.

What is Required to Complete Corporate Applications?

In addition to giving you the ability to issue stock, there are other benefits to starting a corporation as well. For example, some corporate structures will afford you “pass-through” status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This means that your business can pass gains and losses to its incorporators before they are subjected to taxes. You can also enjoy limited liability protection in a corporation. This preserves your personal assets against any legal judgments (such as bankruptcy filings) against your business.

To start your corporation, you will need to draft what are called Articles of Incorporation. This document will call for some basic information about your business, such as its name and address, as well as some details about your incorporators, your registered agent, and the number of shares you plan to issue.

corporate applications

Draft Your Articles of Incorporation Online Today

At Corporation Center, we have the online forms that your business needs to get up and running. To get a better sense of how we can help you, take a few minutes to browse our Frequently Asked Questions page, or explore our site for yourself. We are ready to help your business take the next step.