

An Online LLC Application to Meet Your Needs

Online LLC Application

Are you interested in starting your own business? The entrepreneurial spirit runs deep in the U.S., so you can hardly be blamed for having such an ambition. Of course, launching your own enterprise is not easy–you can expect to sacrifice large swaths of time and capital in order to get properly up and running. In these early days of mapping out your business, it may be wise to consider using a legal structure. A Limited Liability Company (LLC) can make sense for all types of businesses, and you may find the benefits of this framework are well-suited to your organization. In completing an online LLC application, you may be able to better position your endeavor for success.

In your time in the professional world, you have probably noticed that the letters “LLC” frequently accompany the names of organizations that you do business with. In truth, LLCs are very popular, and the fact that they are available in all 50 states means that they offer a much-desired sense of flexibility. Read on to learn more about the perks to forming an LLC, as well as how you can start yours online.

What Is a Limited Liability Company?

A Limited Liability Company is a legal structure that combines the concept of limited liability with a flexible management structure and valuable tax incentives. For as much planning and preparation as you put into your business, sometimes legal judgments and difficult debts are unavoidable. This is where limited liability proves to be an asset. In an LLC, you and the other members can shield your personal assets from liabilities incurred by your business.

An LLC also enjoys “pass-through” status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This means that you will not pay taxes on the profits generated directly by your business. Rather, that money will pass through to the members of the LLC, who will then pay personal income taxes. As you can imagine, this is an especially appealing benefit to business owners.

LLCs also offer flexibility in how they can be managed. Members can assign themselves management duties, or they can outsource them to other individuals. This structure also calls for fairly minimal reporting requirements, but that does vary from state to state.

Online LLC Application

Completing an Online LLC Application

In order to form your LLC, you will need to complete a document known as “Articles of Organization.” This will, again, vary depending on your state, but you can expect to provide some basic facts about your business, including its name, mailing address, the members of your LLC, as well as the contact information for your registered agent. Once assembled, this document will need to be submitted to your state’s Secretary of State’s office for official processing. 

At Corporation Center, we can help you complete this process online. We offer easy-to-complete web forms to create LLCs in all 50 states. We also offer a number of other helpful document processing services for business owners. If you would like to learn more, please contact us by phone or email today.