

Ace Your Industry with Our Corporate Processing Service

Corporate Processing Service

If you’re a business owner, you know how important it is to stay on top of legal matters such as forming a corporation. The demands of your business will evolve, and so may your company’s structure and legal status. Even though it’s better to have an attorney take care of these details, our corporation processing service may point you in the right direction. We have experts on staff who can explain the steps involved in forming a company. If you want to incorporate your business, we have all the tools and guides you’ll need to start off on the right foot.

Creating a company has never been simpler than with our help. Complete an application and return it to us through fax or email; we’ll handle the rest. Additional paperwork may be required for businesses operating for more than a year. Some of the forms we provide are listed below.

Limited Liability Company

A limited liability company (LLC) is a legal structure that separates your company from your assets. This style has been growing in popularity recently. It’s a choice in every state.

Forming an LLC online takes a few minutes. After paying a nominal filing fee, you submit articles of incorporation to the state. The first step is to choose the leaders and members of the organization. Anyone who invests time, money, or resources into a corporation is considered a member and has the right to vote in company elections and other matters. 

A manager is an individual who is responsible for the day-to-day running of a business. The individual who creates a limited liability company might serve in many roles inside the business. Manager positions must file an Operating Agreement and Articles of Organization with the appropriate state agency.

Next, decide on an appropriate business structure for your limited liability company. The three primary configurations are single-member managed, multi-member managed, and multi-member managed. Each of these three scenarios requires prior registration with the relevant state authority.

File for Corporations with Our Corporation Processing Service

There are formalities to get your newly formed corporation recognized by the government. Name your firm “Pink Elephant Inc.” if you wish to reference an animal in the name, but don’t use the name of the company in the name of the corporation. 

And if you want to call your business anything particular, you’ll have to register that name with the state before you can use it. If, for any reason, you’d instead not use your real name while writing your business, you may do so using an assumed name. Depending on your needs, you may form a company in several ways, each with its prerequisites.


In the United States, S-Corporations are the most common business entity choice. This unique kind of organization was developed to promote incorporation among entrepreneurs with smaller operations. Due to the high threshold at which corporations must pay taxes, companies may avoid paying taxes on their profits by allocating those funds to pay for employee salaries.

The idea that an S-Corporation may only consist of very modest enterprises is widespread. “S-Corporation” refers to the fact that this kind of company can benefit from “pass-through taxation.” This implies that the firm’s owners (sometimes known as “shareholders”) must include the company in their tax returns rather than the business itself. Unlike C-Corporations, which are subject to taxes at the company level, S-Corporations may have many shareholders and yet qualify for pass-through taxation.


The taxes of a C-Corporation are handled separately from those of its shareholders. Dividends received by shareholders are taxable income, but they cannot deduct business losses from their individual tax returns. A C-Corporation can issue stock but is double-taxed on certain income (first as a business and again when paid to shareholders). 

Additionally, it must estimate its tax due every quarter and follow more sophisticated accounting requirements. When there are many types of stock, it increases the complexity of record-keeping for the company’s top brass. 

Annual reports and board meetings are different processes mandated by certain states. Filing additional documents with the state and the IRS, such as Articles of Amendment, Articles of Incorporation, etc., may be necessary if your company issues more than one class of stock.

Contact Us Today

We are a corporation center, a reliable source of information about forming and acquiring corporations. We strive to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information on how to include corporations in every state. 

If you’re looking to create a corporation in the US, or if you’re thinking of filing a foreign corporation in the US, you can fill out our online forms today. We’ll ask for some basic information about your business and background, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible with an estimate of how much it will cost for the corporation processing service.