

When to Use a Corporate Processing Service

corporate processing service

When you are in the early days of starting a business, you can find yourself facing long hours–including nights and weekends–as well as a number of important decisions. While you may have identified a gap in the market that you plan to fill with your products or services, building a successful business calls for a lot more. For instance, what does your business plan look like? How are your revenue projections? Do you need to hire a team? Have you signed a lease on office space? These are just a smattering of questions that you will likely need to answer. You also want to do whatever you can to position your business for success, and one way in which you can do this is by assigning your organization a legal structure. By working with a corporate processing service, such as ours at Corporation Center, you can do this online, which can save you valuable time and energy.

If you have spent much of your career in the business world, you may know a bit about legal structures. Perhaps you have done the work to research the nuances and positives of the limited liability company (LLC) or limited liability partnership (LLP). While those modes of structure are widely popular, you may have loftier goals for your business, goals that specifically call for filing articles of incorporation. When the average person hears the word “corporation,” they may think of global titans of industry, but in truth, there are many small- and medium-sized businesses that can benefit from forming S- or C-corporations. The primary driver for choosing a corporate structure is that your business will be able to issue stock. This lets you generate quick capital to grow your business, while outside investors can enjoy the perks of your success. If a corporation is right for your business, we can help–read on to learn more.

How to Use a Corporate Processing Service

While corporations do need to adhere to stricter rules and regulations than, say, an LLC, the trade-off is that you do receive some key benefits. For one, in a corporation, your business is its own legal entity, meaning that it can hire and fire employees, buy and sell property, and hold assets. Additionally, you may be able to receive limited liability protection, which means that as an incorporator you will be able to protect your personal assets from any legal judgments against your business. In some corporate modes, you can also get “flow-through” status from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This allows your corporation to pass gains, losses, credits, and deductions to its owners.

You can use a corporate processing agency such as ours to draft your articles of incorporation online. Simply locate your state from our side navigation menu and click on the correct form. With just a handful of details about your business and its incorporators, you can submit this document with just a few clicks via our SSL-encrypted web portal.

corporate processing service

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We can help you start your corporation online. To learn more about the services we provide, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page, or explore our easy-to-read navigation menu.