

What Should Accounting Firms Consider When Choosing between LLP vs. LLC?


What organizational structure, LLP vs. LLC, would work best for your accounting firm? When it comes to making this choice, there are a lot of things to think about, but in the end, it will come down to the requirements and objectives of your particular business. In this article, we will compare the limited liability partnership (LLP) business structure with the limited liability corporation (LLC) business structure to help you decide on the best business structure for your firm. When deciding between a limited liability partnership (LLP) and a limited liability company (LLC), business owners must consider a few factors. Consider these important aspects of the situation:

Ownership Structure

LLPs are owned jointly by their partners, each of whom has an equal vote in the firm’s decisions. There are various methods to establish a limited liability company (LLC), but in most instances, the owners of the LLC (who are referred to as members) are responsible for managing the firm and making all of the decisions. Because each member has a financial interest in the organization, they have an incentive to ensure that it runs efficiently and effectively.

They will feel a greater responsibility for their activities since any negative outcomes will reflect poorly on them personally. However, this indicates that if things go well financially, it may reflect adversely on them as well – since they don’t have any ownership shares, they won’t be able to partake in the profits of the business. Entrepreneurs that desire the flexibility to make their own choices without having to answer to anybody else may find an LLC to be a more appealing business structure option because of the independence that comes with it.

Liability Protection of LPP vs. LLC

The proprietors of a limited liability corporation (LLC) are shielded from personal responsibility for business debts and obligations. In the event of a claim against the LLC, the owner’s private assets will be shielded from the judgment. An LLC is a good choice if you want to provide your business with that additional layer of security.

Regarding liability protection, limited liability partnerships (LLPs) are quite similar to limited liability companies (LLCs), with a few key distinctions and advantages and downsides. Each participant in a limited liability partnership (LLP) is personally responsible for the whole partnership’s debts, commitments, and other responsibilities. It implies that a partner is immune to legal action for any debt incurred by another partner or the partnership. However, in contrast to an LLC, partners in an LLP remain individually responsible for their fault while acting in their partner role. Errors and omissions insurance, like other types of commercial insurance, may be more difficult to get in such a situation.

Management Structure

If you want to manage your company like a conventional, hierarchical organization with one person in control and everyone else reporting to them, the limited liability company (LLC) is your most appropriate business structure. This is because limited liability companies (LLCs) allow their members to choose some members as managers who are authorized to make decisions and carry out activities on behalf of the firm without obtaining consent from all of the other members.

But suppose you want to give each member considerable authority over their specific area of expertise. In that case, a limited liability partnership (LLP) is the business structure you should go with. In a limited liability partnership (LLP), each partner has an equal voice in how the firm is managed, and there are no designated managers other than the officers chosen by the shareholders to administer the business.


The conclusion of the calendar year or the fiscal year serves as the foundation for the tax reporting period for many accounting businesses. According to, an LLC that is taxed as a C corporation is an option that may be suitable for these types of businesses. In certain circumstances, forming a single-member C-corporation taxed like an LLC could also make sense.

This is because limited liability companies (LLCs) in most states are taxed similarly to partnerships, while corporations are taxed as distinct legal entities. Because of this, it is far simpler to distribute earnings among partners in a limited liability company than among stockholders in a corporation. If you want to distribute profits to the company’s partners, you could find it simpler to organize the business as a limited liability partnership (LLP).



In terms of the range of alternatives for growth, a limited liability corporation provides greater freedom than a limited liability partnership. An LLC may have more than one member, and in certain states, even those not already members may be eligible to join the LLC. This allows you to grow your company by adding additional partners or staff without having to terminate the limited liability company and begin operations from scratch as a new organization.

Since limited liability partnerships (LLPs) can only have one member, you will need to establish a new LLP if you wish to expand your business by including more partners or staff. This may result in expensive legal bills, filing fees, and additional time spent on paperwork and administration. Consider incorporating a limited liability company (LLC) rather than a limited liability partnership (LLP) if you want to grow your firm.

Running your business as an LLC or partnership can be confusing, and it’s just not worth the headache if you don’t know what you’re doing. Call the Corporation Center at (800) 580-4870 for more. Our teams of experts are ready to answer all of your questions about the benefits of forming an LLP vs. LLC and will help you make the best decision for your business.