

What our LLC Online Application Can Do

LLC Online Application

Every business has to start somewhere. Even massive, multinational corporations can come from humble beginnings. If you are just getting started with your own enterprise, working out of your garage or home office, this can be exciting, if challenging time. You may find that you are putting in long hours getting your business off the ground, and pouring every available cent you have into growing your operation. Since you have invested a considerable amount of time and money into your business, you are going to want to take every possible measure you can to mitigate risk. With this in mind, you should consider completing an LLC online application.

Forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) can make a lot of sense, depending on your circumstances. Available in all 50 states, LLCs give their members valuable peace of mind when it comes to liability concerns. There are also sizable tax advantages and flexibility to their management structure, making LLCs a no-brainer for many entrepreneurs. If you are considering structuring your business in this manner, Corporation Center can help you do it online.

How to Complete an LLC Online Application

Before you can get your LLC up and running, there are some formalities to address. First off, everything starts with a name. You will need to select a moniker for your business that is wholly distinguishable from the other registered LLCs in your state. In most places, it is fairly easy to peruse the Secretary of State’s online database to see if your desired business name is taken.

Next, you will want to select a registered agent for your business. The role of the registered agent is to receive all government, tax, and legal correspondence on behalf of your organization. Most states require that you list this individual on your articles of organization, though you will want to verify with your local jurisdiction to be sure.

With a few key details in place, you can begin drafting your articles of organization. This form will ask for your name and address, the name of your business, and the information on the other members of the LLC. If you click on your state in our website’s navigation menu, you can find the right online form for creating your LLC.

Achieving Peace of Mind for Your Business

Once your LLC is created, you and the other members will be able to take advantage of limited liability. This concept shields your personal assets from bankruptcy or other legal judgments incurred by your business. This gives many entrepreneurs peace of mind because it means that if things go bust or they lose a lawsuit, they will not necessarily lose their house or savings accounts. 

LLCs are also pass-through entities in the view of the IRS, which is appealing to many business owners. This means that profits generated by your enterprise are not taxed until they flow through to the members of the LLC. This is in contrast to certain corporate structures, which can find themselves effectively taxed twice.

LLC Online Application

Form Your LLC Today

If you have any questions about using our online forms, we are happy to answer them. Please visit our FAQs page, or contact one of our customer service representatives by phone or email today.