

Using Our Site to Process Your Incorporation Documents Online

Incorporation Documents Online

Are you looking to incorporate your business? If so, this is undoubtedly an exciting time, as it typically indicates you have experienced an excellent period of growth. As you navigate the challenges that a growing business can face–hiring a larger team, moving to a new location, sourcing additional vendors–you may find yourself needing to raise capital quickly. This situation can make forming a corporation especially appealing. In a corporation, you are able to issue stock, which allows for a quick influx of funds. Should you find yourself and your business in this particular circumstance, you should also know that you can file your incorporation documents online.

As a business owner, your free time is understandably scarce. As your day-to-day duties at your business call for a fair amount of paperwork as it is, you probably want to do whatever you can to minimize spending more time putting ink to paper. Fortunately, that is where we come in. At Corporation Center, we make it easy to submit your Articles of Incorporation online using our easy-to-understand web templates. We understand the hectic schedules that entrepreneurs can face, and our aim is to help business owners like you streamline their business structuring processes.

How to Prepare Your Incorporation Documents Online

Before you can draft your Articles of Incorporation, there are a few matters that you will need to take care of. Firstly, you will want to choose a name for your business. Aside from having a moniker that is dynamic, memorable, and easy to brand, you will also want to make sure that no registered corporation in your state has already claimed it. Depending on your state’s laws, you may also need to include the word “Incorporated” or a suitable abbreviation.

You are also going to need to decide on a board of directors. These individuals will serve integral roles in the management of your business, so you will want to make thoughtful choices in this area. You do have the ability to make changes to your list of directors at your first board meeting, so you are not necessarily fixed to the directors that you provide on your articles of organization.

Incorporation Documents Online

Using Our Web Forms

With a smattering of useful knowledge at the ready, you can begin filling out your Articles of Incorporation. Simply locate your state on our side navigation menu and click on it. From there, you will be brought to a landing page that hosts our available forms for the state in question. You can then select the corporation option, and you will be brought to a fillable web template. Just follow our prompts for the information that you need to provide and with just a few clicks you can submit your documents for processing via our secure, SSL-encrypted portal.

We also offer web forms for the creation of Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs), and much more. Take a moment to explore our website or visit our helpful FAQ page. You can also contact one of our friendly customer service agents by phone or email with any questions you may have.