

Top Differences Between Starting a Business LLC Or S Corp

LLC Or S Corp

Have you given any thought to launching your own company? Great! You have several different possibilities when deciding the business structure your firm will have. In this article, we shall compare LLC or S Corp. We will assist you in determining which of the available choices is the most suitable for your newly established company. When compared, creating a limited liability company and an S corporation has a few important distinctions. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but being aware of their differences can help you decide which is better for your company. To get you started, here are the most important distinctions.


When it comes to taxes, limited liability companies (LLCs) have greater freedom than corporations do. We’ll discuss this further down in the post. An S corporation, for instance, must disperse its earnings to its shareholders (the company’s owners), either in the form of a fair wage or dividends. In contrast, a limited liability corporation (LLC) has the flexibility to pay out earnings to its shareholders either from the LLC itself or from a separate bank account. 

Consider establishing your company as a limited liability company (LLC) rather than an S corporation if you want more leeway in deciding how your company’s earnings are split up and where the line should be drawn between personal and business expenditures. According to, remember that limited liability company (LLC) members might be people or other companies in most states. S corporations, on the other hand, must have human shareholders who are either citizens or permanent residents of the United States and have social security numbers.


Even if it is true that forming a limited liability company (LLC) is the best route to take if you want to shield yourself from any personal responsibility, there are circumstances in which forming an S corporation may be the more advantageous choice. In contrast, stockholders in an S corp are personally accountable for the company’s debts and responsibilities, whereas members of an LLC are exempt from such responsibility. This is because members of an LLC may only lose what they have put in the company, but stockholders in an S corp have the potential to lose more than what they have invested. For instance, a shareholder may be held personally accountable for a business’s debt if the shareholder committed fraud against the corporation or stole money from the corporation.

Taxes On LLC Or S Corp

When deciding between an LLC or S Corp, many small company owners focus only on the tax implications. All revenues and losses accrue to you as the company’s owner will be reported on your tax return as “pass-through entities,” comparable to pass-through businesses. As a bonus, there are no annual meetings or minutes to keep, and your assets are shielded from any judgments against your company if you lose a case against your business. An S corporation’s profits are taxed at the corporate level, but LLC profits are taxed at the individual level; thus, S corp owners pay their tax rate (the same rate they’d pay if their profits were given as salary) on their part of the profits. An S corp is a better choice for your firm if you expect to generate more money from compensation than distribution.

LLC Or S Corp


Additionally, LLCs have a more flexible management structure than corporations. Ownership of a limited liability corporation (LLC) might be single or shared by several people. To be cautious, there are usually two or more proprietors in an LLC. On the other hand, the earnings and losses of an S corporation are distributed to a single shareholder. Pass-through taxes are another key distinction between an LLC and a sole proprietorship (where you report your business profit or loss on your income tax return). As a result, you will not be required to submit a separate tax return for your business. With an S corporation, on the other hand, the business’s revenues and losses are passed straight to the shareholders’ income taxes, and they must be reported on their tax returns.

If you’re pondering about starting a business as an LLC or S Corp, there are many factors to consider. The most important thing is to check with your state to see which business type they recommend because they may have specific requirements and laws you must follow. However, anybody looking to start their own business should consider some key differences. You can use the Corporation Center today at (800) 580-4870 for more information.