

Starting an LLC Application Online in a Few Steps

LLC Application Online

Forming a business does not come without a certain element of risk. Even with ample amounts of planning and due diligence, unexpected events can occur which can derail your business. With this in mind, it is important to take measures to protect yourself and your organization. One way in which you can do this is by forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC). In processing an LLC application online, you can create a prudent layer of protection between your enterprise and your personal assets.

LLCs are incredibly popular with business owners for a number of reasons. For one, they are available in all 50 states (conversely, Limited Liability Partnerships are not). For another, they are viewed as pass-through entities by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This means that the profits generated by your business are not taxed off the top. Instead, that revenue passes through to the members of the LLC, who then pay personal income taxes.

Enjoying the Benefits of Limited Liability

While the wide availability and tax benefits of LLCs make them a no-brainer for many entrepreneurs, there is an additional aspect to this structure that can be advantageous to your organization. When you form an LLC, you get to enjoy the concept of limited liability. This means that in the event your business faces bankruptcy or a costly lawsuit, you and the other members of the LLC are able to shield personal assets from potential judgments.

Even for the most prepared business owners, unforeseen events can occur. By giving yourself the peace of mind achieved through limited liability, however, you can mitigate a fair amount of risk. When you know, for example, that you will not lose your home or retirement accounts due to a business matter, you can make better choices about how to ultimately grow your business.

Completing Your LLC Application Online

If you have decided that an LLC is right for your business, there are a few steps that you can take to process your application in a quick and timely manner. First, you will want to choose a unique name for your business that adheres to the rules of your particular state. Next, you will want to decide on a registered agent for your business. The role of this individual is to receive all services of legal process on behalf of your enterprise.

With those details in place, you will need to prepare articles of organization. This document will contain some basic information about you and your business. By working with us at Corporation Center, you can complete this form online in just minutes.

LLC Application Online

Work with Us Today!

While you can opt to print out documents, ink them by hand, and mail them to your Secretary of State’s office to form your LLC, it is much more simple to do it online. Click on your state in our side navigation bar–from there you will be brought to a landing page containing the online form you need to create your LLC. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of our helpful customer service representatives.