

Save Time, Effort, and Money and File Delaware Corporation Online Here

Save Time, Effort, and Money and File Delaware Corporation Online Here

When creating a corporation in Delaware, you don’t have to do everything by hand. In fact, you can File Delaware Corporation Online right here on our company documentation website.

File Delaware Corporation

When looking to file Delaware corporation online, there are going to be a few important steps that you will need to go through. Now, we know that no one wants to go through all the bureaucracy that comes with this kind of process, but we are here to make sure it’s all that much easier for you. You can find everything that you need right here on our website.

Properly Naming the Corporation

Now, you might think that to name a corporation is the easiest part of the forming process, but it has a few important things that need to be considered. Here in Delaware, after all, you can choose practically whatever name you want for your corporation, but there are two things that you need to keep in mind when it comes to picking the official name.

  • The name of the corporation has to include the word “company,” “corporation,”  “association”, “club,” “foundation,” “fund,” “institute,” “incorporated,” “society,” “ syndicate,” “limited,” or “union”. However, abbreviations or words with similar meanings in other languages are also valid, just as long as they’re written in Roman characters or letters.
  • The name of the corporation can’t be in any deceptive way similar to the names of existing business entities that have already been filed with the Delaware Secretary of State. You can search their business name database in order to check whether or not a specific name is already taken.

Filing the Application Online

Once you’ve picked a suitable name for your company, you will have to request the corresponding certificate. Which one? Well, it will ultimately depend on the specifics of the corporation in question. There are four categories to consider when looking to file Delaware corporation online, and each will come with a different application process. These are:

  • Stock CorporationA Corporation that issues shares of stock to shareholders, each of whom will hold some share of ownership over the corporation.
    • Non-Stock Corporation – A corporation that does not have owners represented by shares of stock.
  • Nonprofit Exempt Corporation – A corporation that meets the IRS standards for nonprofit operation.
  • Public Benefit Corporation – A corporation created to enact some kind of social or public good and which has to operate in a responsible and sustainable manner.

You can find all four applications here on our platform for you to submit and process accordingly.

Save Time, Effort, and Money and File Delaware Corporation Online Here

Corporation Center Application Forms

Here at the Corporation Center, we want to be there to help you through all of your company forming needs. In order to do this, we’ve created a comprehensive platform that provides all the forms you might need in order to apply for your company status, regardless of the state you’re in or the category that you’re looking for. With the Corporate Center, you will receive your certificate and get your company up and running in no time.