

Processing Incorporation Documents Online for Different States

incorporation documents online

In many ways, the entrepreneurial spirit is the engine that drives the U.S. economy. Business owners in all 50 states do their part to create livelihoods for themselves and their employees, while also meeting ever-evolving consumer demands. If you are in the process of settling on a legal structure for your business, such as a limited liability company or a corporation, you have likely done some background work on which states are more favorable to business owners. If you are interested in incorporating your business, this is especially importation, as you will be beholden to strict requirements and regulations. Once you have landed on a home base, you may also consider filing your incorporation documents online.

While incorporating a business calls for a fair amount of planning and execution, taking care of the actual paperwork involved does not need to be overly complicated. Let’s face it: the demands of your business monopolize enough of your time. With that said, why not streamline your business plan by submitting your documents online?

 incorporation documents online

Deciding on Where to Incorporate Your Business

Determining your state of incorporation will depend on a few different factors. With 50 choices available to you, such a decision can feel overwhelming. The good news, however, is that by making a couple of key assessments, you will be able to make a more informed decision for your business.

If most of your business transactions are going to be made in your home state, then it makes sense to incorporate there. If that is not your situation, you may look at incorporating in a business-friendly state like Delaware. Regardless, you will want to have a keen understanding of your state of incorporation’s reporting requirements.

There are, of course, tax considerations to think about as well. Some states have tax laws that are more kind than others to business owners. In fact, some states charge no corporate tax at all. You will also want to think about the size and scope of your business. If you are managing a smaller operation, it may not make a ton of sense to go through the trouble of incorporating elsewhere.

Completing Incorporation Documents Online 

Once you have landed on a state of incorporation that is right for you, you will need to get to work on some paperwork. Often called “Articles of Incorporation” (sometimes a “Certificate of Incorporation”), this document will be submitted to your secretary of state’s office for processing. Though it varies somewhat from state to state on what is required, you can expect to provide some basic information about your business.

Your physical location, information about the incorporators, and contact information for your registered agent should be provided. In addition, you may be prompted to note the number of shares you are planning on issuing. 

By working with us at Corporation Center, you can submit these documents online in a comprehensive fashion. We offer web forms to incorporate in all 50 states, as well as host of other helpful templates. To learn more about our services, contact us by phone or email today.