

One Convenient Site for CA Corporation Forms

ca corporation forms

California has a long and storied history of entrepreneurship. Dating back to when the Golden State was an untamed frontier, enterprising individuals from all over flocked out west for new opportunities. While much has certainly changed, that same maverick spirit can still be found in California, from the bright lights of Hollywood to the booming tech sector in Silicon Valley. If you are a business owner and happen to be considering incorporating your business, completing CA corporation forms online can be something of a no-brainer. California, as a state, represents the largest economy in the U.S., and if it were to stand on its own as a nation, it would be the fifth-largest economy in the entire world. Between the nearly perfect weather, scenic vistas, and expansive coastline, California is not only a great place to live, but it is also a great place to do business. If you are thinking about starting a new business, or if you are planning to give your organization a more formal legal structure, California is the place to be.

If you have experience with entrepreneurship or have spent many years working in the private sector for others, you likely understand that owning and operating a successful business calls for a lot of hard work. Just getting your business off the ground is likely going to call for the sacrifice of your free time, which means spending nights and weekends drawing up a business plan and getting to know your market. There is a tantalizing trade-off that comes with all that toil, however–you get to be your own boss, and you are in complete control of your overall earnings. Whether you have a great idea for a product that there is tangible market demand for, or if you provide a service that meets the needs of your community, starting your own business allows you to see your vision come to life. 

When you own your business, it is logical that you will have a strong sense of pride in your venture. After all, it was not easy to get it up and running, and now you are tasked with protecting the livelihood of both you and your employees. You owe it to your organization to do everything you can to position it for success, and one way in which you can do that is by giving your business a legal structure. There are a few different ways of doing this, but depending on the needs and ambitions of your business, you may find that filing CA corporation forms with the secretary of state’s office makes a lot of sense.

Why You Should Submit CA Corporation Forms

If you are new to entrepreneurship, the concept of assigning a business a legal structure may seem somewhat foreign. In truth, however, if you have spent any amount of time in the professional world, you are likely more familiar with legal structures than you realize. For instance, you have probably noticed that businesses often end their names with an abbreviation, such as “LLC” or “Inc.” These letters denote the legal formation of the business they are attached to. An LLC, which is a limited liability company, is a very common way in which business owners will structure their organizations. They are available in all 50 states, and they are relatively easy to create and maintain. LLCs also offer considerable incentives in the form of limited liability for legal matters and “pass-through” status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

A corporation has some commonalities with an LLC. For instance, in many modes, a corporation can enjoy the same limited liability protections. This means that in the event your business goes bankrupt or is subjected to costly lawsuits, its incorporators will be able to shield their homes, savings accounts, and other personal assets from any legal judgments. Certain types of corporations can also experience “pass-through” status with the IRS, meaning that deductions, credits, profits, and losses generated by the business can be passed down to its owners. One key difference in a corporation, however, is that it allows you to issue shares of ownership to outside investors. This can assist you in raising capital while allowing your investors to share in the success of your business. 

ca corporation forms

Submitting Your Forms Online

If you perform enough research, you may find that the benefits of filing CA corporation forms are right for you. You should also be aware, though, that corporations are a bit more rigid in how they can be managed, and they often have more stringent reporting requirements than their LLC counterparts. Still, if filing articles of incorporation makes sense for you, we can help. Simply click on the “California” option in our side navigation menu and you will be brought to a landing page containing easy-to-fill online forms. If you have any questions, please contact us by phone or email today.