

Need A Documentation to Form a Corporation in Alabama

Form A Corporation in Alabama

If you plan to form a corporation in Alabama, you will be required to compile several essential legal documents. The following is a rundown of the things you will need to begin. First, double-check that you have a properly filled out Certificate of Formation and that it has been submitted to the Alabama Secretary of State. In addition, you will need to draft some bylaws and choose some initial members for the board of directors. Lastly, ensure you obtain formal authority from each director assigning someone to serve as their agent and that you have this written authorization. As soon as you have all of these documents in order, you will be able to form a corporation in Alabama.

Completed Certificate of Formation

Your first order of business will be to draft a Certificate of Formation, often known as the legal document that formally forms a corporation in Alabama as a separate entity. Before the Secretary of State acknowledges your company as legitimate, you will need to submit the certificate of formation to them once you have completed it, obtained all of the shareholders’ signatures on it, and before you have completed the required paperwork. This is one of the most fundamental legal papers you could ever draft yourself. However, if you are not an expert in the law, it is simple to get perplexed about the specific information required to be included in a Certificate of Formation.

Articles Of Incorporation

A corporation is a separate and distinct legal entity from its owners. The company owners are referred to as the corporation’s stockholders or shareholders. Articles of incorporation need to be submitted to the Alabama Secretary of State to establish a business entity in the state. On the Secretary of State’s website, you will find both a form that you may use and filing instructions. You will need to give information on the officers and directors who will be operating your firm, as well as the objective of your new company to register your business. Head over to the Secretary of State website and fill out the application for articles of incorporation hosted there. You will be prompted to provide information such as the name of your company, its postal address, your contact information, and the name of its registered agent for the service of the process. The remaining steps are not too complicated.

Get A Minutes of All Board Meetings for You to Form a Corporation in Alabama

There are numerous resources unique to a state that may provide you with the information you need to draft the bylaws and articles of incorporation for your company. Still, the document that we will look at today is special to Alabama. This document serves as a guide for the meetings of your board of directors and specifies the roles of directors and officials. This is the document in which you’ll want to jot down all of the information regarding your company so that it can be accessed by everyone who needs it.

Doing so will help you keep things more organized. Appointing officers and directors are the first items on the agenda for today’s meeting. You are free to designate an unlimited number of individuals; however, several prerequisites must be met: They are required to have achieved the age of majority in Alabama, which is 18, be a resident of the state, and not have been convicted of a crime in the previous year before the appointment.

Form A Corporation in Alabama


Your company’s bylaws are the legally binding regulations governing its operations. In addition to establishing voting procedures and the rights and responsibilities of shareholders, bylaws also define how shareholder meetings will be conducted. These bylaws specify what notices must be given, what constitutes a quorum, when the meeting should be called, how directors are elected or chosen, and other relevant information.

According to, bylaws are an excellent method to codify the management structure and give it a more solid basis. However, they are not needed by law in the state of Alabama. The format of your bylaws does not need to be elaborate; they may be written by hand on a single piece of paper or transcribed into a Word document. The most important thing is to ensure that shareholders who need to know them are informed about them.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us. If you decide to incorporate your business, these experts can guide you through the procedure and safeguard your interests. Call (800) 580-4870 if you have any concerns regarding Alabama’s corporation regulations or if you’d want help form a corporation in Alabama.