

Learn How to Form a Corporation in Florida

Form a Corporation

There are a number of valid reasons why people from all walks of life are drawn to Florida. Most obviously, there is beautiful weather and endless beaches. Florida offers a serene environment that many choose to make their home. Florida also offers no state income tax, and low corporate tax rates, making it particularly appealing to business owners. If you are looking to capitalize on what the Sunshine State has to offer to entrepreneurs, you can hardly be blamed. As you go about creating your business plan and figuring out where you will locate your office and retail front, you may also want to think about what type of legal structure best suits the needs of your organization. For some, this can be a limited liability company (LLC). For others, a sole proprietorship or general partnership will suffice. Some businesses, however, find incorporation to be their best path forward. If you are considering this route, you will want to learn a bit about how to form a corporation in Florida.

When you hear the word “corporation”, you may think about massive, multinational companies. While it is true that such businesses often opt to incorporate, it is also a legal structure that is available to small and mid-size businesses as well. One reason that many business owners opt to incorporate is that it allows your company to issue stock. By offering fractional shares of ownership in your company, you can easily generate quick capital, which you can use to hire a bigger team, expand your office, or increase your marketing budget. If this sounds appealing to you, incorporating it in Florida may be a good strategy. 

How to Form a Corporation in Florida: Getting Started

Before you can begin filing the necessary paperwork to incorporate your business in Florida, you will first need to select a corporate name. Florida requires that your name be unique and not deceptively similar to any other corporate names registered in the state. You will also need to include one of the following words: “incorporated”, “corporation”, or “company” (a suitable abbreviation will also work).

Once you have landed a name, you can get to work on drafting your Profit Articles of Incorporation with the Florida Department of State Division of Corporations. This document should include the name and street address of your business, a statement of its purpose, the name and address of the incorporator, and the number of shares you plan to issue. You can also provide the names of your directors or officers, though that is optional. A registered agent will also need to be appointed–the role of this person is to receive all services of the legal process on behalf of your business.

Form a Corporation

Filling Out Your Documents Online

We can help you submit your Profit Articles of Incorporation online. By using our simplified web forms, you can process your documents via our SSL-encrypted web portal with just a few clicks. To learn about how we can help your Florida business, take a moment to explore our site. You can also contact us by phone or email with any questions you may have.