

Key Facts to Know About Oklahoma’s Limited Liability Companies and Taxes

Limited Liability Companies

There are several distinct options available to entrepreneurs looking to set up business in Oklahoma in terms of the legal structure of their companies. However, limited liability companies (also known as LLCs) are the most common business entity. It is essential to have a fundamental understanding of limited liability companies (LLCs) and taxes in Oklahoma if you are operating a company in the state or considering launching one there. In this essay, we will discuss some critical information concerning limited liability companies (LLCs) and taxes in the state of Oklahoma. As an entrepreneur in Oklahoma, you need to be aware of a few fundamental elements concerning the state’s limited liability companies (LLCs) and taxes. The following information will be of use to you as you get started:

Oklahoma Offers both Pass-Through and Corporate Taxation for Limited Liability Companies

LLCs in Oklahoma may choose to be taxed either as pass-through entities or as corporations. Because many states only permit one or the other of these, it is essential to make this difference. Taxation on a pass-through basis implies that the earnings and losses of the firm are passed through directly to the owners, who are then responsible for paying taxes on those profits and losses using their tax returns. When a corporation is subject to taxation, the firm itself is responsible for paying taxes on its earnings. 

Any distributions to the owners (such as dividends or capital gains) are also subject to taxation. Small company owners often choose the pass-through taxation structure because it enables them to pay a lower total amount of taxes. However, suppose the firm is providing services for a fee rather than selling things, such as attorneys and accountants. In that case, pass-through taxes may not be helpful to them since they are already paying for overhead expenses within their fees.

Oklahoma imposes a One Percent Tax on LLC Gross Receipts.

Oklahoma limited liability companies must pay a one percent tax on their state’s gross revenues. In other words, the limited liability corporation must pay a one percent tax on the income the firm earns after deducting all of its expenditures. Members of an LLC are required to pay taxes on any dividends from the limited liability companies. However, they are afforded some relief in that they can deduct an amount equal to their proportional part of the company’s operating costs. When you submit your first tax return with the Oklahoma Tax Commission, you will discover that the National Uniform Commercial Code gives you most of the information. The National Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is used to identify businesses.

The Annual Report and Franchise Tax for LLCs Are Due by May 15 Each Year.

Due dates for annual reports filed by limited liability companies might vary from state to state when an LLC’s franchise tax is due in Oklahoma. The annual report and franchise tax for a limited liability business are due every year on May 15. The annual report is a document in which you detail the money you earned and the money you paid in taxes over the previous year. When it comes to paying taxes, the members of an LLC are each accountable for their share depending on their ownership stake in the company. 

A limited liability company (LLC) in Oklahoma must pay a one-time franchise tax equal to a percentage of its net value to operate legally inside the state. This charge often rises as your wealth does. You may submit your taxes with the Oklahoma Tax Commission electronically, or you can print a form and send it in with payment. You may also pay the tax at a drop-off facility if you reside in Tulsa or Oklahoma City.

If Your LLC Does Business in the Other States, It May Is Required To Register With Those States As Well

Check with the relevant authorities in that state to learn more about the rules that apply to them. To legally operate a company in Oklahoma, you must submit specific paperwork and register with the state. The Oklahoma Articles of Organization are one of those documents, and they are the ones that will formally establish your new limited liability company. The SOS website has a fillable form that can be completed in minutes and is relatively straightforward. 

You also need to register a corporate agent, a recognized individual or firm that represents your company and is authorized to accept legal papers on its behalf. You are also free to choose any other registered agent in the state if you so choose; however, you should be aware that the Secretary of State may suggest some agents over others based on their degree of experience or skill.

Limited Liability Companies

Oklahoma Has several Resources Available For Entrepreneurs.

Small company owners who are interested in starting their ventures in the state of Oklahoma have access to a variety of resources in the state of Oklahoma. For instance, they could investigate the possibility of establishing a limited liability company (LLC), a common choice available in many states, and enabling one person or a group of people to function as a separate entity while coming to a unified decision. They could also consider forming a partnership. 

In limited liability companies (LLCs), as opposed to typical corporations, there are no shareholders; instead, each member is regarded as an equal partner in terms of tax obligation and ownership of assets. Establishing this kind of commercial corporation in Oklahoma is a reasonably straightforward process. Apart from the initial filing expenses, there are no further fees that must be paid to the state.

The Corporation Center, Oklahoma’s LLC and nonprofit association that provides support and information to our members, is an excellent resource for any of your questions regarding Oklahoma’s limited liability companies and taxes. If you find yourself in a situation where you need just a little more information than our website can provide, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call us at (800) 580-4870. Our experts will be happy to answer your questions about LLCs in Oklahoma.