

How to Successfully Register and Form a Delaware Corporation If You’re Too Busy?

form a Delaware corporation

Is it true that Delaware is a secrecy haven? Well, this is just made up. Corporations do not go to this state so they are exempted from the public eye. However, corporations do form a Delaware corporation because the state provides ideal laws that let them create ethical businesses. If you wish to form a corporation here, you may be discouraged because the entire process is time-consuming. Thankfully, there’s a way to successfully register despite being busy. 

Form a Delaware Corporation If Swamped with Other Responsibilities

Choose the Right Registered Agent 

Having a registered agent is one of the primary requirements when you form a corporation in this state. The registered agent can be an individual or a company with a physical address in DE. 

The role of this agent is to receive legal documents and official notifications on behalf of the corporation. By hiring a professional agent, you can save time. You can also ensure that your corporation is in compliance with the corporation laws of this state.

Utilize Online Incorporation Services 

Corporation Center specializes in helping busy professionals, like you, in forming corporations quickly and efficiently. Our services streamline the process. Thus, we can provide step-by-step guidance, pre-filled forms, and access to experts who can answer your questions. 

Pick an Expedited Filing Option 

We also offer expedited filing options that can significantly reduce the time it takes to complete the registration process. This will help ensure that your corporation is formed more quickly. 


You may be busy but so are other professionals and individuals. Thus, it is essential that you allocate specific time slots to focus on the registration and formation process. You can treat it as a project so you will be motivated to give it time. Make sure that you set deadlines and break down tasks into manageable steps. When you have consistent progress, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed. 

Use a Business Address Service 

You may use a business address service that can provide you with a Delaware office address. This is useful if you do not have a physical office in this state. Keep in mind that you can only register a corporation here if you have a registered office address. This will help you meet the legal requirements while letting you operate from your primary location. 

Gather the Necessary Documents in Advance 

To streamline the process, you should gather all the necessary documents, like your certification of incorporation and statement of authorized shares, in advance. Being well-prepared will help you avoid delays. 

Understand the Business Structure 

Before starting the registration process, you must have a clear understanding of your corporation’s structure. That is, you must have decided the number of authorized shares, board of directors, and officers. This will simplify the document preparation process. 

Delegate Responsibilities

If you have partners, consider delegating specific tasks related to the registration process to ensure everything is completed efficiently. 

Leverage Expertise 

You should not hesitate to seek professional advice. Our experts here at Corporation Center are well-versed in Delaware corporate law. They can guide you through the process, answer your questions, and ensure that you meet all legal requirements. 

form a Delaware corporation
Manageable Task 

You can still form a Delaware corporation even if you are a busy professional or business owner. When you utilize the services of Corporation Services, you can successfully register and form your corporation while maintaining your other commitments. Call us to know how we can help you streamline the process.