

How to Form an LLC in Georgia With Our Help

how to form an llc in georgia with our help

As you may be aware if you like being informed about the financial situation in our country, many businesses and corporations have been moving their headquarters to Atlanta, Georgia’s capital. You may be wondering why exactly has this been happening. And the answer is simple: location. Atlanta is the hub of three interstates and is close (although not too close) to the major ports on the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. The land is affordable, and the weather is nice… so if you want to know how to form an LLC in Georgia, keep reading and find out.

First Step: Choose a Name for Your Company

Apart from the characteristics of Atlanta that we have been mentioning, if you are wondering how to form an LLC in Georgia you will be relieved to know that it is relatively cheaper than some other states. As usual, it is recommended that you begin naming the business you plan to launch. Given that it is not possible to choose a name which is already being used, you can always conduct a search on the Georgian government website, to check that your intended business name is still free. Avoid any type of problem by selecting a name that is not too similar to an already existing company.

Once you are certain that the name is available there are two possible ways to continue: one option is to reserve the name, by submitting an application. It will be kept for you for up to thirty days. The other option is to finally file the appropriate LLC paperwork. What exactly are we talking about? Let us clear that up.

Submit the Article of Organization

Before we get to the part in which you file the application, it is important that you are sure of what a limited liability company is. This type of non-incorporated business, has elements of both partnerships and corporations, although it gives you the flexibility to arrange the organizations to the needs of the investors. It can be managed by members who equally control the LLC or with different degrees of involvement. In addition to that, LLCs can receive pass-through taxation or corporate taxation.

Now that you are familiar with the limited liability company concept it is time for you to file the documentation. In order to do that, you need to submit the article of the organization online or by mail to the Georgia Secretary of State. On top of that, you will have to name a registered agent. This can either be a person or an organization (like the Corporation Center), as long as it is authorized to do business in Georgia. If you are still unsure about how to form an LLC in Georgia, let the Corporation Center help you out.

how to form an llc in georgia

Founding a Business is Easier With The Corp Center

Our goal is to use the legal expertise we provide to help as many folks as possible to live the lives they want. No matter what state you live in, our site will give you the documentation you need to start a business. We usually tell our customers that we provide the building blocks so that you can create a business. Contact us today via email or phone for any other questions you have about how to form an LLC in Georgia.