

How to File Colorado Corporation Forms Online

Colorado Corporation Forms

There is a sense of freedom that comes with owning your own business that is difficult to match. As your own boss, you can not only dictate your schedule, but you are also completely in charge of the limits to your livelihood. If you are willing to put in the long hours and hard work necessary, you can create an enterprise that is richly profitable for both you and your employees. Of course, owning and operating a successful business is much easier said than done. Even with a great idea for a service or product, there are still a lot of details to work out and solidify before taking your business to the market. You can also expect to navigate quite a few decisions early on: Who will you hire? How will you market your organization? Where will you locate your business? While these are important choices to make as an entrepreneur, so too is the decision of how you will legally structure your business. If you have lofty goals and are anticipating quick growth, you might find that forming an S- or C-corporation makes the most sense for you. Should you find yourself at such a juncture, it is imperative that you learn how to file Colorado corporation forms online.

In terms of places to live and work, there are not much better than the great state of Colorado. Between the beautiful weather, scenic vistas afforded by the Rocky Mountains, and a surging economy, Colorado can be an enticing destination for entrepreneurs both new and seasoned alike. Whether you are thinking about setting up a shop in Denver, Boulder, or Fort Collins, you can enjoy favorable corporate tax rates and business-friendly laws and regulations. How you choose to structure your Colorado is, of course, dependent on the goals and needs of your business. As an example, a smaller-scale operation with one or two employees may work best as a sole proprietorship or limited liability company (LLC). Perhaps you are a licensed professional, such as a doctor or attorney, and are thinking about building a practice in the form of a partnership. If you have larger plans for yourself and your business, though, the advantages that come with a corporation may be difficult to pass up. In order to incorporate your business, you can use our Colorado corporation forms to save yourself time and energy that is better served in growing your business.

Are Colorado Corporation Forms Right for Your Business?

If you are relatively new to the concept of business ownership, you may find the word “corporation” to be a bit daunting. You may associate corporations with massive, multinational businesses, organizations that live on a different plane from what you have planned. In truth, however, many small- and medium-sized businesses can capture the benefits that come with forming a corporation. A good place to start, typically, is getting to know just what a corporation is.

To put it plainly, a corporation stands alone as a legal entity separate from its owners (incorporators). A corporation can do many of the same things as an individual, such as own property, borrow and lend money, and pay taxes. While this distinction is not unique to the corporation as a business structure, a corporation can do certain things that, say, an LLC cannot. For instance, a corporation can issue fractional shares of ownership to investors outside of the business. In exchange for offering a stake of ownership to outside parties, you can generate quick cash, which can be used to expand your business or hire more employees. 

A corporation can also give you the benefits that come with limited liability protection and “pass-through” status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Limited liability means that you can protect your personal assets, such as your home and bank accounts, from any potential lawsuits or bankruptcies your business may face. “Pass-through” status means that your corporation will be able to pass gains and losses to its incorporators before subjecting them to taxation. When navigated correctly, these benefits can greatly mitigate some of the risks that are inherent to business ownership.

Colorado Corporation Forms

How to Start Your Colorado Corporation Online

To get your corporation up and running, you will first need to select a name for your business that is not already registered in the state of Colorado. From there, you can appoint a registered agent to handle all tax and legal correspondence on behalf of your business. Once you have sorted out these details, you can get started on drafting your articles of incorporation. This document should include information about your business, its incorporators, and registered agent, as well as how many shares you plan to issue.

At Corporation Center, we can help you draft this document online. By using our web forms and SSL-encrypted portal, you can process your articles of incorporation quickly and securely. To learn more about our services, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page, or contact us by email or phone.