

Easy Steps to Incorporate Your Business Online In Minutes

Incorporate Your Business Online

Are you an entrepreneur who’s looking to incorporate your business online? If this is the case, you are in luck! You can get started in a hurry by following a few simple steps that are laid out below. You may create a new company entity and have it up and operating in minutes. Knowing where to begin when you are trying to get your company off the ground may be challenging since there are so many tasks that need to be completed.

You may make things a little bit simpler for yourself by incorporating your company online. This is one way you can do it. Incorporating your company may have various advantages, including protecting your assets and an enhanced ability to entice financial backers. In this article, we will explain a few simple processes that may be followed to incorporate your company online in a matter of minutes. Here are ways to get started:

Choose both a Business and a Domain Name

Picking the right name for your internet company is like naming a beloved pet: it should be appropriate, memorable, and evoke warm feelings whenever it is spoken. Seeing whether the domain name you want is available is essential. Also, check to see whether the name you want is already in use by another business; if so, you may run into trademark issues in the future. Don’t be seduced by possible misspellings or other variations; doing so will only cause problems in the long run.

If you discover a domain name you like, keep in mind that people will be looking for the information on your site, and if they can’t find it because they believe it’s under a different name, you may lose business. When you’ve decided on a name, it’s time to fill out the paperwork and register your company with the state. You may inquire about this at the city hall or look it up online.

Set Up Your Company Email Address

We’re not suggesting you create a new email address for every new project you take on, but if you run a web-based company that needs frequent communication, you should probably do so. It’s a little more work, but it makes your life much simpler in the long run by connecting your many online profiles (such as your Facebook page, Twitter feed, website, and Google+ profile) to a single hub. This allows you to ensure the seamless operation of your business while on the road.

Plus, you can set up alerts to be notified whenever someone leaves a remark or sends a message. Adding a new email address is usually as simple as selecting “add another email address” or a similar option in the account’s settings menu. Doing so will generate a second login that shares all of your primary account’s data. You may change your primary account’s settings from that page, including updating your primary address. The only real change is that your email client of choice will now display two inboxes.

Get a Business License to Incorporate Your Business Online

Getting a license is one of the final things you should do after launching a firm. There is no such thing as a “business license” since none exists. Well, not anytime soon, anyhow. Even the word “business license” is an oxymoron since it suggests government control, which means more laws and paperwork. There are over 5 million firms in the United States, and they all have separate licenses.

In summary, it is doubtful that the time spent obtaining government approvals would pay dividends when you incorporate your business online. Let satisfied customers talk for you while you concentrate on growing your company. It’s a known truth that companies are often established without any required registration or “license” on the part of their owners in jurisdictions where such formalities are not mandated by law.

Incorporate Your Business Online

Create an Account with an Online Payment Processor

Creating an account with a payment processor is a simple first step. PayPal and Google Checkout are the two most widely used services. You won’t need to create a new merchant account using Google Checkout if you already have one. Signing up for these services is similar to enrolling for an account, and it may take a day or two before your application is accepted. Once given the green light, you’re free to use the service for any lawful purpose, whether online or off.

When you apply for a PayPal account, you won’t need a merchant bank account, but after your application is accepted, PayPal will immediately create one for you. There are no initial or recurring fees for basic accounts, and the service is easy to set up. All payments are done online and will be accessible in your account within 24 hours, or sooner if you have a PayPal or checking account set up to receive quick deposits.

Are you planning to incorporate your business online? The Corporation Center can help! We’ve got everything you’ll need at a high-quality, affordable price. We’re always available at (800) 580-4870, ready to answer any questions you have about incorporating online.