

Delaware US Company Registration Application Requirements Outlined

Delaware US company registration

If you’re filing your Delaware US company registration application, then you have to keep certain requirements and issues top of mind. Don’t know what this will entail? Here’s what. 

Delaware US Company Registration

The Delaware corporation registry is a part of Delaware’s Secretary of State, ensuring that all business entities within the state are properly documented and registered, operating within all the necessary guidelines and regulations. Our team is here to make sure you have all that you need to take care of this process without trouble or issue. Here you will find everything you might have to submit as part of your Delaware US company registration so that you’re able to finish this process without any problems.

Requirements to Keep in Mind

When it comes to creating your company here in Delaware, there are certain requirements that you’ll have to keep in mind. Among the most important ones, you will find naming requirements, which dictate the naming conventions of corporations in the state. Remember these when you file for Delaware US company registration:

  • The name of the corporation will have to include the word “company,” “corporation,”  “association”, “club,” “foundation,” “fund,” “institute,” “incorporated”, “society”, “syndicate,” “limited,” or “union”. However, abbreviations or words with similar meanings in other languages are also valid, just as long as they’re written in Roman characters or letters.
  • The name of the corporation can’t be in any deceptive way similar to the names of existing business entities that have already been filed with the Delaware Secretary of State. You can search their business name database in order to check whether or not a specific name is already taken.

Registering Your Delaware Company

Once you’ve taken care of stuff like the name and the documentation, it will When the time comes to file your applications for a corporation here in Delaware, you have two options. You can always do this through the Secretary of State directly, but then you run the risk of making potential mistakes in the process and experiencing potential delays and additional charges. With this in mind, we encourage you to consider your other option: filing a corporation in Delaware through our document processing service. Here, you can find the necessary Delaware US company registration form, fill it out, and submit it through our platform without any issue. Our processors are here to help make the process a lot easier for you.

Delaware US company registration
File Delaware Corporation Forms

Getting a company started is already a huge endeavor and a commendable initiative on your end. Because of this, we want to make sure to provide as much help as we can on our end. This starts with providing you with all the forms and applications needed if you wish to carry out the starting process the right way. All the forms you might need, regardless of what state you’re in, can be found on the Corporation Center website for your convenience. If you need any help at some point in the process, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We’re ready to guide you through this!.