

Are You Missing Out On The Best Delaware C Corp?

Delaware C Corp

Numerous business owners choose a Delaware C Corp, but are you passing up the most excellent option? The advantages of a Delaware C Corp. Do you know what it is? It is a specific kind of C-corporation that meets certain criteria and is incorporated in Delaware. Starting a company involves a wide variety of decisions. 

You can choose whether your business will be an LLC or a corporation, the number of shares it will issue, the amount of money it will seek from investors, and the legal structure it will take. Just in case you haven’t heard, here are a few of the advantages of forming a company in Delaware as a “C” corporation:


The Delaware C-Corp may serve several purposes, the majority of which are related to potential tax advantages. For one thing, it implies that the corporation may keep any surplus funds after paying dividends to investors without paying them to the Internal Revenue Service. Unlike other organizations, S organizations and LLCs are not free to distribute as much money to their investors as they see fit. 

Additionally, because of its lack of a state income tax and little sales tax, Delaware is often selected as the location for this sort of organization. This makes it a fantastic base of operations for a global enterprise.

Asset Protection

When a company is formed as a “C” corp, it is treated as a separate entity from its owners. Because of this, you won’t have to physically appear in court if your company is sued or taken to court in a state where it doesn’t have a physical presence; instead, the corporation will. This may provide absolute immunity from legal action in certain circumstances. 

The firm is on the hook if a customer files a complaint or a lawsuit because you did not deliver on a promise, an employee sustains an injury while on the job, or anybody else files a claim against you. In this manner, you may take these measures without worrying about how they could harm your property.

Delaware’s Reputation for Corporate Governance and Shareholder Rights

What images or ideas spring to mind when you consider Delaware? You may imagine a humming business district home to the headquarters of America’s most successful and well-known corporations. Wilmington may also come to mind with its old architecture and friendly atmosphere. 

When asked to list the first things that spring to mind, you probably wouldn’t say “corporate governance” or “shareholder rights.” However, you may be shocked that Delaware is often considered one of the best places for firms to incorporate.

Due to its long tradition of corporate governance, Delaware is the state of choice for many firms when deciding where to incorporate. The state is likewise often considered among the most lax regarding safeguarding shareholders’ rights. 

These factors not only make Delaware an excellent option for startups but also for existing businesses that are considering moving out of state but would want to maintain their Delaware incorporation.

Delaware’s Strong Intellectual Property Laws

Strong protections for intellectual property contribute to Delaware’s appeal as a location for company headquarters. The laws of Delaware about intellectual property protect the rights of businesses to own their innovations, which in turn assists firms in attracting investors. In addition, Delaware permits a greater degree of limited liability than other states do. 

This means that if a business is sued and found to be accountable for damages, its responsibility is limited to the number of assets currently held inside its Delaware accounts. If you are considering starting a C corporation or a nonprofit organization, consider doing it in Delaware. You won’t be sorry you did!

Delaware C Corp

Easy To Convert the Delaware C Corp

When considering your options for asset protection, a Delaware C Corp may be the best choice. Changing the legal structure of a company is straightforward. Converting an existing firm from an S corporation or LLC to a Delaware C corporation is straightforward. To switch from one kind of business entity to another, you don’t need to submit any new articles to the appropriate authorities.

The Corporation Center is the one-stop source for all your Delaware corporation needs. We provide the documents you need to get started quickly and affordably. Our state-specific forms are easy to fill out, convenient, and inexpensive. 

You can visit our website or call us today to speak with a representative who will help you choose the right type of entity for your situation. Our friendly representatives will be happy to answer your questions, no matter how big or small they may be!