

The Advantage of Completing an LLC Online Form

llc online form

Do you have a great idea for a product or service? If it is time to bring your vision to the marketplace, you might be ready to start your very own business. Entrepreneurship not only allows you the freedom and flexibility of being your own boss, but it also puts you in charge of creating a livelihood for you and your employees. While the idea of uncapped income can certainly be enticing, it is typically the result of a lot of hard work, and you will need to be prepared to surrender large swaths of your free time in order to get your enterprise up and running. At the very beginning, you should also be ready and willing to wear multiple hats. While working for someone else’s company afforded you some professional specialization, when you manage your own business, you can suddenly be in charge of accounting, human resources, and marketing. While that may seem daunting, it can also be cause for excitement, as you can put your own customized touch on every aspect of your business. In order for your organization to succeed, you may also want to think about assigning your business a legal structure, and many new business owners gravitate toward creating limited liability companies (LLCs). Depending on the needs of your business, completing an LLC online form may be right for you.

What exactly does it mean to give your business a legal structure? Well, in simple terms, you can think of it as separating your business as its own legal entity. There are, of course, a number of different ways and modes in which you can do this. Before landing on the structure that best suits your business, it is helpful to assess your challenges and goals. For instance, if you are starting a relatively small, one-man operation, a simple sole proprietorship may be adequate. Should you find yourself going into business with a friend or family member, a general partnership (GP) or limited liability partnership (LLP) may give your arrangement a degree of formality. Businesses that are primarily interested in growth and long-term plans may find that an S- or C-corporation is a logical fit for them. For many business owners, from the novice to the seasoned entrepreneur, however, filling out an LLC online form can offer valuable incentives coupled with relative ease of setup and minimal maintenance requirements. Read on to learn more about this legal structure, as well as how you can create your own LLC using our online forms.

What Happens When You Fill Out an LLC Online Form?

If you think about the companies and brands that you do business with, be it as a professional or a consumer, you have probably noticed that many of them have the three letters “LLC” following their names. The reason for this is that LLCs are available as business structures in all 50 states, and they are also wildly popular. When you create an LLC, you are granting your business many of the same rights and privileges that an individual can enjoy. For example, your LLC can buy and sell property, lend money, and even pay taxes. Structuring your business this way can also not only protect your business, but it can also protect your personal holdings as well.

When you create an LLC, you grant yourself and the company’s other owners what is known as limited liability protection. With this distinction, you can shield your personal assets in the event that your business faces a costly lawsuit or bankruptcy. Many entrepreneurs find an understandable appeal in being able to protect their homes or retirement accounts should their business face an unforeseen event. An LLC can also experience “pass-through” exemptions from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Under this label, your business will be able to pass profits and losses to its members (owners) before they are subject to taxation. When maneuvered properly, this can help your business avoid paying taxes “twice.”

How to Start an LLC Online

If you have done the necessary research and have decided that an LLC is the right model for your business, there is a general process that you will need to complete. First, you should check what the laws, rules, and regulations are for LLCs in your state. You will also likely need to select a name for your business that has not already been registered as an LLC in your state. Next, you will need to designate a registered agent. The role of this person or persons is to receive all legal and government correspondence on behalf of your enterprise. From there, you can begin drafting your articles of organization, which is sometimes referred to as a certificate of formation. This document will call for your business’s name and address, as well as those of its members and registered agent. 

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Save Yourself Time and Energy by Working with Us

By using our online forms, you can quickly create your LLC online. We have online forms for creating business structures in all 50 states, and we use an SSL-encrypted web portal to transmit your personal data safely and securely. To learn more about how we can help your business, contact us by phone or email today.