

Just a Few of the Benefits of a Delaware Corporation

Benefits of a Delaware Corporation

Have you been looking for the right state to start your corporation in? Are you in the process of looking at the benefits of each state to narrow down your options? Delaware has been a popular choice for many, many years now. Here at The Corporation Center alone, we have helped so many to form their preferred business entity in Delaware. The Benefits of a Delaware Corporation can be massive indeed. 

Flexible Structure

You can essentially structure your business how you would like in Delaware, given that you meet certain parameters. For example, in terms of an LLC or corporation, one person can hold all of the positions. They can function as the sole owner, and they can fit every position as well. 

Flexible Location 

For starters, you can start a Delaware corporation from anywhere. You don’t have to live in the State of Delaware, you don’t even have to be anywhere near Delaware. In fact, so long as you retain a Delaware registered agent for your business entity, you don’t even need a physical address within the state. If you don’t operate in the state of Delaware, you don’t need to acquire a business license in Delaware, either. 

A State that’s Known for Being Business-Friendly 

Corporate laws can be opaque, even confusing, particularly for those who are new to them. It can be challenging to understand them, to know what you’re supposed to do and when. Delaware, however, has gone to great lengths to ensure that this is not the case within the state. Indeed, their legal framework was specifically designed to make it easier for businesses to operate within the state. 

For example, the Delaware Court of Chancery doesn’t use juries, it uses judges. On top of that, these judges tend to have plenty of experience with corporate law cases. All of this speeds up the process quite a bit. Delaware wants to see businesses succeed. 

True Tax Savings 

For the most part, whenever possible, Delaware tries to make it easier to help business owners with their taxes. Case in point: there’s no state sales tax on intangible personal property. Moreover, there’s no inheritance tax on stock held by non-Delaware residents. So, in the event that someone who owns a Delaware company but doesn’t live in Delaware passes on, that stock won’t be taxed when it moves on to their heirs.

Benefits of a Delaware Corporation

Start Your Delaware Corporation Online Today 

Delaware is, rightly, thought of as the world’s incorporation capital. Companies from all over are formed there. In Delaware, you can form a Limited Liability Company, a stock corporation, a public benefit corporation, a nonprofit exempt corporation, a non-stock corporation, and plenty of different kinds of partnerships, too. 

That said, you don’t have to form your company in Delaware. Sure, you can, and we can help you to make that process as smooth as possible. Beyond that, we also offer corporate documents for business entities in all of the other states as well. To see how we can help you in Delaware and elsewhere, click here.