

Almost Heaven: Use Our Online LLC Application and Others in West Virginia

Online LLC Application

Are you looking for a state to register in but haven’t decided on one yet? Have you looked at some of the more commonly-mentioned places and want something a “bit off of the beaten path,” so to speak? More entrepreneurs than you might realize have registered their business in West Virginia. Here at our site, you can use our online LLC application for West Virginia as well as the ones to start a corporation or partnership. West Virginia has plenty to offer. 

Are There Incentive Programs for LLCs in West Virginia? 

In fact, there are several incentive programs for LLCs registered in West Virginia. For example, there are plenty of grants that you can receive from the Department of Commerce, all of which can help your business. Speaking of helping your business, West Virginia offers businesses energy incentives, too. Depending on the services that your LLC offers, you may also qualify for sales and use tax exemptions as well. West Virginia has been growing and is looking to continue doing so. 

What are the Tax Credits for West Virginia Corporations? 

In addition to LLCs, West Virginia wants to be home to more corporations as well. Specifically, West Virginia is looking for corporations that are going to create jobs in the state. So, if you create a minimum of twenty new jobs and invest in a business facility, you could qualify for the “Economic Opportunity Tax Credit.” By that same token, if you create at least 15 jobs and relocate your corporation headquarters/business to WV, then you can receive the (aptly named) “Corporate Headquarters Relocation Credit.” Those are just some of the reasons to center your business in West Virginia. 

A Wild, Wonderful State for Growth and Startups

In addition to hoping to bring more companies and jobs to the state, West Virginia wants to bring more companies and more jobs to specific areas of the state. For example, West Virginia has what are called “OZ” programs (“Opportunity Zones”) where, if you establish your business inside one of them, you can receive special tax treatment. Beyond that, startups in West Virginia are more successful than you might think. For example, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 81% of West Virginia startups make it past year one. That’s above the national average, showing just some of the potential the state has. 

Online LLC Application

Online Application Anywhere 

West Virginia has plenty going for it in terms of places where you could register your business. That said, there are plenty of other options out there as well. Here at Corporation Center, we can help you register the kind of business you want in the state of your choice. From Hawaii to Maine and just about everywhere else in between, we have the caliber of professional documentation that can help you to form your business. To see how we can help, in West Virginia and elsewhere, visit our site.